Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink


Tag: plumbing tips

Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink

Posted on March 28, 2025 by Melbourne Plumber

When most people think of using a strainer for a sink, they automatically assume it would be for the kitchen sink. After all, this is where food is prepared and members of your household wash dirty hands. Mud, food and debris are often deposited into this drain. Although having a strainer for your kitchen sink is a good idea, today we want to talk about adding one to your bathroom sink as well. And there are some pretty good reasons to do so. Preventing Clogs It's true that tiny bits of hair from shaving will easily make it through a ...

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Plumbing Tips to Save Money

Posted on December 3, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Life is getting more expensive. There is no denying that. You can see that the price of everything has dramatically risen in the last few years. This fact has people searching for ways that they can save money around the home. We created this article to compile a short list of ways the average person can save money in their home in regards to plumbing. These tips may seem like common sense to some people or even no that big of a deal others, but we guarantee you that if you follow them, a great deal of money will be ...

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What to Know Before You Work on Your Own Plumbing

Posted on May 1, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Fixing your own home plumbing can be something simple or it can be something very challenging. There are two variables in this equation. The first and most  important is what sort of plumbing issue you have. If it is something as simple as a lose pipe which is allowing liquids to drip, most anyone can handle this with a wrench and some elbow grease. The second variable is the skill level of the homeowner. Is working on plumbing something this person has done previously? Did they work in the industry? Maybe they took some courses in trade school. The degrees ...

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Best Ways to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Posted on April 2, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

It's a terrible feeling to be taking a shower and have to stand in dirty water that is not draining. In fact, it feels very counter-productive.  You are cleaning your body at the same time you are standing in dirty water. Shower drains deal with the largest amount of water of any drain in your home. Showers typically last 10 minutes on average and the average shower uses 2 gallons per minute. That's 20 gallons of water per shower. The average household showers several times per day combined. It is not uncommon for 100 gallons or more of water to ...

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Common Plumbing Mistakes Homeowners Make

Posted on April 25, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Plumbing system maintenance is a significant duty for all homeowners. Delaying its maintenance can lead to many problems. These problems may include leaks, drainage problems, and other forms of damage. These problems start with the simple errors by homeowners. Therefore, you should get maintenance done on time. It can save a lot of money and time in the long run. Keep reading this article to learn about some common plumbing mistakes that homeowners make. Plumbing Mistakes by Homeowners Knowing about the common plumbing mistakes made my homeowners can prevent you from spending too much money on replacing pipes, repairing fixtures, ...

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5 Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Plumber

Posted on December 26, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

If you encounter plumbing problems such as leaky pipes, dripping faucets, clogged drains, or running toilets, you should know that it’s time to contact a professional plumber. Continue reading this article to find out some factors you should consider before hiring a professional plumber in Melbourne, FL. Consider These Things before Hiring a Plumber Choosing the wrong plumber can turn your plumbing experience into a nightmare. They can ruin your entire plumbing system. Therefore, it is essential to take your time and find a professional, reputable, and experienced plumber to avoid any problems. Choose a Well-known Company A crucial step ...

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Why is My Tub Changing Colors?

Posted on August 9, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Sometimes you may notice parts or all of your bathtub will start to change colors. This is more common than you may think. In this article we go into the various reasons why your tub may be changing colors. The number one reason for coloring in your tub is hard water. Hard water is basically water which has high mineral deposits. The colors left behind by hard water can be orange or brown in nature. Limestone deposits may form in your pipes over time as well. You can prevent all of this by hiring a plumber to install a water ...

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How Can I Improve my Water Heater Efficiency?

Posted on February 12, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Saving money is on most people's minds these days. What step can I take to save money around the home? In this article we plan to answer that question as it relates to your water heater. There are some steps you can take to make sure you water heater is running as efficient as possible, saving you money in the long run. For instance,  where the water heater is located can save or cost you money. Location Location Location Most people buy a house which has already been built and the water heater has been installed. But if you are ...

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How to unclog your drains – 4 Easy Steps

Posted on September 17, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

f you notice a foul smell in your house but can’t seem to find the source, you may want to check your drains. Dirty, clogged drains not only spread a strange smell through your home but bacteria as well. Among the most affected drains that face organic build-up, clogs, and foul smell are kitchen and bathroom drains since they transport the greatest amount of water flow and waste. Kitchen drains are clogged mainly by oil, fat, and grease, while bathroom drain clogs are formed from hair and scum from personal products. There are different methods to unclog your drains without ...

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What is Causing My Faucet to Leak?

Posted on June 15, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

It may sound innocuous enough, but a leaky faucet could spell bad news for the homeowner. For one, it could be a sign that there is a much bigger underlying plumbing problem. But even if that isn't the case, a single leaky faucet could increase your water bill by 10%. The constant flow of water could cause damage to sealants and cause long term buildup in the pipe. Not to mention, a leaky faucet is enough to drive a person trying to sleep mad. But what causes leaky faucets? What happens to a faucet to make it go from its ...

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