Californians are experiencing one of the most drastic droughts in history. California receives about half of its precipitation in the months of December, January and February, with much of that precipitation falling as snow in the Sierra Nevada Range. In 2014-15, snowfall was far below normal levels. Four years into record-breaking conditions, Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought State of Emergency on January 17, 2014 and imposed strict conservation measures statewide and convening an Interagency Drought Task Force. With water reservoirs at an all-time low, California Water Resources Control Board is considering a $500 per day fine for residents who ...
Read MoreWe here at Space Coast Plumbing want to prevent you from paying shady contractors your hard earned money. Unfortunately, there are many plumbers out there that charge unreasonable rates and don’t even provide a quality service. They prey on inexperienced homeowners. They promise to get the job done right but what they really do is overcharge you and don’t fix the problem completely. Not sure if your plumber is shady or not? If he exposes any of these signs, chances are he is: (more…)
Read MoreAlthough home plumbing systems can function seamlessly for years on end, when a plumbing problem develops, it can wreak havoc on a dwelling’s occupants. The following will take a look at the top 4 plumbing problems in the home, and some simple steps that you can take to prevent and remedy them. The first and perhaps most common plumbing complaint in many homes is the issue of clogged drains. This problem typically occurs in kitchen and bathroom drains (including shower drains) as a result of the build-up of foreign matter in the pipes of a drainage system. Depending on the ...
Read MoreAre you a weekend warrior that feels he/she can conquer any home repair task? Does replacing a window seem like an easy chore? How about putting in a stone patio? Seem like child’s play? Well, maybe you can do all that. Then again, maybe you’re more like Tim “the Toolman” Taylor where everything goes wrong. You are probably going to make the situation worse and spend more money in the long run. Either way, there are some plumbing jobs that are for professionals only. If you are considering a remodel of your bathroom, you might be thinking of a new ...
Read MoreDoes your bathroom need to be remodeled? Are you having problems with leaky pipes? Then you need a licensed plumbing contractor ASAP. However, you shouldn’t hire just anyone, and especially not a so-called “handyman”. Instead, follow these guidelines when hiring a contractor: * If a contractor randomly stops by your house offering up his services and requires a down payment, tell him politely you’re not interested. * Verify the contractor is licensed. You simply can’t trust an unlicensed contractor. You can verify a contractor’s license at * Ask your contractor for references to verify his credentials. * Pay, in ...
Read MoreFor anyone interested in becoming a certified plumber, it can take some time and effort, but the rewarding career can be worth it. Plumbing is one of those trades that can’t easily be replaced, so the growth of jobs is steady and there will always be a need for plumbers. Unlike most college degrees, people wanting to work in the plumbing field learn the trade while actually working on the job, in addition to course work. This gives a great hands on feel and a real understanding of everything it takes to be a plumber. Before becoming a certified plumber, ...
Read MoreFor centuries people have been trying to improve plumbing and the ability to get water to the home and take waste away from it. There were some significant advances made in the 1800s and 1900s, but along with a more sophisticated plumbing system, tools to help work on these systems were needed. The tools became more advanced to what plumbers use today. These tools now are so powerful and precise, they make a plumber’s job much easier. Although plumbers use typical tools you’d find in a toolbox, such as a wrench or pliers, there are some specific tools that help ...
Read MoreThroughout the ages civilizations have tried to find ways to deal with plumbing issues - everything from cleaning themselves, to getting fresh drinking water, to dealing with human waste. Although some societies did better than others, there were just a few men who really contributed to modern plumbing as we now know it. These inventors and innovators have changed how we do things today and each in their own way made life a little bit easier for the rest of us. Here are a few of them along with their contributions: (more…)
Read MoreFor centuries, people have been trying different ways to make life a little easier. Although large pottery jars meant to store water were found dating all the way back to 6000 BC in Mesopotamia, it wouldn’t be until 2700 BC that water pipes would be used in the Indus Valley. These pipes were made from finely chopped straw and clay. 1200 years later, in 1500 BC, people living in Crete were able to develop sewage disposal systems which included a crude flushing toilet. Although this seems pretty amazing for that time period, it would be another 1,000 years before actual ...
Read MorePlumbing problems generally come with three things: headaches, wasted time, and a bill. When you take the time to recognize some of the most common plumbing problems and how to avoid them, you will save yourself a headache, wasted time, and money. Here are three of the most common problems and how to avoid them: Problem 1 – A Backed Up Toilet A toilet that has backed up can often overflow onto the floor underneath it. Whether you’ve got linoleum, wooden floors, or carpet underneath the toilet, it is never a fun or easy thing to clean up, let alone ...
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