Most Expensive Plumbing Projects


Tag: pipes

Most Expensive Plumbing Projects

Posted on March 13, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

There exist some plumbing projects which can be very expensive and make the homeowner cringe when they hear the price. However, we are lucky enough to live in an era where there are work-arounds and ways to save money. But, the topic of this article explains what we will be discussing today. Which plumbing projects do homeowners dread the most because of the high cost? Replacing or Repairing a Sewer Line - This is a time consuming, labor-intensive process which involves digging up the entire line and replacing it with new pipes. The project can range from $3,000-$7,000. Installing a ...

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What Are The Top Three Reasons People Call Plumbers?

Posted on March 3, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

As you can imagine plumbers are called for a variety of reasons. Most of the time they are able to help solve the issue at hand within an hour or two. With thousands of plumbing calls being made every day across the country, what are the top three reasons we get called in the first place? In this article we will list the top three reasons plumbers get called. We will start at number three and finish with the most common. 3. Water Heater - Whether it be repair, maintain or replace, water heaters are the third most common reason ...

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Unique Plumbing Challenges Faced in Florida

Posted on February 14, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Florida is well known for its unique weather. The weather is a mixture of high humidity and rainfall. It's also called "The State of Sunshine" by many people, and you need hot and cold water service all the time. Along with its unique weather, Florida also has some unique plumbing problems that usually only happen in some places.  Most of the time, the plumbing problems are minor and inexpensive, but they're causing so much inconvenience that they should be fixed as soon as possible. But sometimes, they can be severe that can cause damage in the background, for instance, a ...

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How Can I Block my Tub Drain Without a Plug?

Posted on May 3, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

People often move into a home and are forced to deal with what the last tenant or owner left behind. Many times this boils down to lack of a certain item. In this case we are talking about having a tub that has no plug. How can you block the tub with no plug? This article is only a temporary fix and we suggest buying the proper plug for your drain. There are ways to block it off right now if need be. I. Plastic Bag or Film Plastic is a useful material in many ways. When it comes to ...

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Reasons Why Your Toilet Fills Slowly

Posted on March 29, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Does our toilet seem like it is filing slower and slower? There could be various reasons as to why this is happening. In this article we will review the reasons why. We will also suggest solutions. Water Valve Turned Too Low - The valve controlling the amount of water the toilet receives is the first place to check. Make sure the water valve which connects to the toilet is turned all the way to the open position. A Clogged Vent - There is an air vent which allows pressure to escape while the water is filling. The vent runs through ...

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Signs that Your Sewer Line May Need Repair

Posted on November 5, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

No homeowner wants to deal with major catastrophic damage in or around their home. This is because it can get pretty expensive and all the work being done can really affect your daily life. Before an issue gets to be catastrophic, it can be nipped in the bud as they say. Today we are discussing sewer lines. These exit pipes from your home go fully unnoticed when functioning properly. But when they fail to perform, the results are noticeable right away. Usually a sewer line will be totally collapsed or failing in other ways before people address the problem. It ...

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Top 5 Plumbing Mistakes Made by Homeowners

Posted on October 21, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

If you are a homeowner you know that the buck stops with you on everything from décor to indoor plumbing. The decisions you make affect the house and household. If something breaks or goes terribly wrong, there is no landlord to call and bail you out. That is why it is important to make the right decisions when owning a home. In this article we will list the top five plumbing mistakes made by homeowners. Most homeowners are first time homeowners and there are a plethora of mistakes and pitfalls to avoid. Our hope is that writing blogs like this ...

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Do You Need a New Main Water Line?

Posted on October 6, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

In this article we will cover what the main water line is and what it does. We will also go over information to help you determine if it is time for a new one. Main Water Line The main water line is the pipe which connects your house to the city main water line. This is the source of all your household water. The city is responsible for the city main line and part or some of the line leaving the city main pointing to your property in many cases. You are responsible for any part of the line which ...

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What is Causing My Faucet to Leak?

Posted on June 15, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

It may sound innocuous enough, but a leaky faucet could spell bad news for the homeowner. For one, it could be a sign that there is a much bigger underlying plumbing problem. But even if that isn't the case, a single leaky faucet could increase your water bill by 10%. The constant flow of water could cause damage to sealants and cause long term buildup in the pipe. Not to mention, a leaky faucet is enough to drive a person trying to sleep mad. But what causes leaky faucets? What happens to a faucet to make it go from its ...

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Typical Life Expectancy of Your Indoor Plumbing

Posted on June 3, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

It can be argued that plumbing does the most important work in your home. It not only brings in fresh water for drinking, bathing and brushing your teeth, it also, removes the smelly waste which could be harmful to you. Knowing the life expectancy of your plumbing can help you be prepared for when it starts breaking. Or, better yet, to now when to pre-emptively strike and have it replaced before there is a busted pipe or major leak. Pipes To know the longevity of the pipes you have in your home, it is necessary to know exactly what kind ...

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