Saving money is on most people's minds these days. What step can I take to save money around the home? In this article we plan to answer that question as it relates to your water heater. There are some steps you can take to make sure you water heater is running as efficient as possible, saving you money in the long run. For instance, where the water heater is located can save or cost you money. Location Location Location Most people buy a house which has already been built and the water heater has been installed. But if you are ...
Read MoreIf you are a homeowner you know that the buck stops with you on everything from décor to indoor plumbing. The decisions you make affect the house and household. If something breaks or goes terribly wrong, there is no landlord to call and bail you out. That is why it is important to make the right decisions when owning a home. In this article we will list the top five plumbing mistakes made by homeowners. Most homeowners are first time homeowners and there are a plethora of mistakes and pitfalls to avoid. Our hope is that writing blogs like this ...
Read MoreMold is an every day part of life for people living in tropical climates like Florida. Even if you do not currently have a mold issue, you have probably run into one in the past. In an environment like ours which is humid, rainy and warm most of the year, you will encounter mold. Although there are many types of mold, the main concern for humans is Stachybotrys, aka, black mold. This mold loves to form on anything organic and wet. Those conditions are found perfectly inside a home. But even if the mold isn't black, it can effect us ...
Read MoreIf you live in Florida and have a house that has some age to it, you will run into a piping problem if you have not already. Our warm and humid climate aids the natural degradation and corrosion of pipes that were installed decades ago. If your home is decades old and has never been re-piped, this is something you may have to do in the near future. You can contact a professional plumber and have them look at your piping to tell you what kind of pipe you have, what kind of life it has left, what pipe they ...
Read MoreWhen you own a home you want to keep your expenses down anyway possible. This goes for the short and long-term. Pipes eventually go bad in a home and replacing them can be very expensive. In this article we will go over methods to keeping your pipes lasting as long as possible. Checking Water Pressure This is a big one. Too much water pressure is bad for your pipes. Just a few PSI above the recommended level doesnt seem like much, but over years time it can do serious damage. It is suggested that you keep your PSI below 85. ...
Read MoreThe goal in any industry is to make the product better and more efficient. This holds true for household appliances. There have been great strides made in plumbing as well. However, not all new innovations are the proper fit for every user. The tankless water heater has been the latest innovation in the water heating business. Many people have installed them and are using them. But, a traditional tank water heater is still the most-used in the home and business. There is a certain reliability and effectiveness you get from a tank heater. (more…)
Read MoreWe all know that upgrades of any type can increase your home's value. But if you are really looking to give it a large boost in value, you should start with plumbing upgrades. Many of these are items that people can see and touch. Modern plumbing fixtures brings a lot of value in the eyes on the home buyer. They know that they will not have to worry about replacing or working on these items anytime in the near future. Low Flow Toilets These toilets, also known as Low Flush Toilets, save the homeowner money in the long run. They ...
Read MoreWhen the water comes from the city water treatment plant it is highly chlorinated. This is to prevent bacteria from forming on its way to your house. And although the chlorination levels are safe to drink, it can cause the water to taste bad and be hard on the skin. Many folks already have a water filter on their faucet for their drinking water. But, have you ever considered a whole-home water filter? This filter treats the water before it enters your home's main pipe system. (more…)
Read MoreIf your home doesn’t yet include a dishwasher, or if you have an aging machine that probably needs replacing it’s worth your time and money to have a Florida plumber put one in for you. There are several major benefits of having one of these devices in your kitchen, and we’ll quickly overview some of the most important ones for you to think about. Save Water While it might seem counterintuitive, most studies suggest that a modern-day dishwasher will use up much less water than washing all the dishes by hand. Of course, if you are very careful to conserve ...
Read MoreThe excitement of moving into your own new house or apartment can sometimes make us a little too quick to sign our name on the title deed before checking that a few basic elements of the property are in good working order. Often, the condition of the plumbing system of a dwelling is not even a consideration for some at the time of purchase, which can lead to costly and troublesome repairs later on. The following highlights some of the main things to look for in a quick assessment of the overall health of a plumbing system when shopping for ...
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