Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink


Tag: drain

Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink

Posted on March 28, 2025 by Melbourne Plumber

When most people think of using a strainer for a sink, they automatically assume it would be for the kitchen sink. After all, this is where food is prepared and members of your household wash dirty hands. Mud, food and debris are often deposited into this drain. Although having a strainer for your kitchen sink is a good idea, today we want to talk about adding one to your bathroom sink as well. And there are some pretty good reasons to do so. Preventing Clogs It's true that tiny bits of hair from shaving will easily make it through a ...

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Plumbing Tips for Hurricane Season

Posted on May 28, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

The hot and mostly beautiful summer is upon us. We will visit the beach, go swimming, maybe do some boating and basically do all the things that we love to do in the summer. It's part of the benefit of living in America's southeast. But, we all know with those benefits come some risks, like violent storms, for example. As you probably know, hurricanes are the biggest natural disaster Floridians face every year. The big swirling storms brings with them many billions of gallons of water and extreme natural energy. These intense storms can cause wind damage, flooding, lightning fires ...

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Best Ways to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Posted on April 2, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

It's a terrible feeling to be taking a shower and have to stand in dirty water that is not draining. In fact, it feels very counter-productive.  You are cleaning your body at the same time you are standing in dirty water. Shower drains deal with the largest amount of water of any drain in your home. Showers typically last 10 minutes on average and the average shower uses 2 gallons per minute. That's 20 gallons of water per shower. The average household showers several times per day combined. It is not uncommon for 100 gallons or more of water to ...

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Why is My Bathtub Not Draining?

Posted on August 25, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

There can be various reasons as to exactly why this is happening but to put it simply, there is a blockage of some sort. Something is preventing water from going down the pipe. The average person uses 16 gallons of water when they shower. That is a lot of water that must escape your tub or shower area. Drain Cleaning Maintenance  Something that we are all supposed to do but rarely ever do with showers and tubs is regular cleansing of pipes. We usually only spend time on our pipes after they have clogged. A regular cleaning will prevent the ...

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Items Which Will Cause Clogs

Posted on November 3, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

One of the many conveniences of modern plumbing is the ability to get rid of waste in an easy fashion. Whether this is human waster or food waste, we can just flip a switch and wash it away. But it is important to remember that everything is not flushable or made to easily go down your drain. In this article we  look at items which are better thrown away and not flushed or disposed of down your sink. Coffee Grounds People have been running these down the sink for decades. You will most likely not have any trouble getting the ...

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Broken Glass in Garbage Disposal

Posted on August 29, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

  If you have lived in a house or apartment with a garbage disposal for any length of time, chances are you have had a glass or dish break in the sink. If this has happened to you for the first time and you found this article because you don't know what to do, we are glad to help. The first thing you need to do is to not panic. The solution to this problem may be much easier than you anticipated. Check out our steps below to removing glass from your garbage disposal. What you will need: Needle nose ...

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Should I Use a Liquid Drain Cleaner or a Plumbing Snake?

Posted on May 17, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Drain clogs happen. They are a part of life. More times than not the culprit is a mix of soap and biological debris aka hair and skin cells. But this is not always the case. There can be physical items blocking your drain as well. This is why it is important to know which type of method you should use to unclog your drain. First thing's first. How long has your clog exited? Did it happen suddenly? Or did it slowly build to this point? These questions will help you figure out what type of drain cleaning mechanism you should ...

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How Can I Block my Tub Drain Without a Plug?

Posted on May 3, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

People often move into a home and are forced to deal with what the last tenant or owner left behind. Many times this boils down to lack of a certain item. In this case we are talking about having a tub that has no plug. How can you block the tub with no plug? This article is only a temporary fix and we suggest buying the proper plug for your drain. There are ways to block it off right now if need be. I. Plastic Bag or Film Plastic is a useful material in many ways. When it comes to ...

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Several Ways to Unclog an Outdoor Drain

Posted on March 9, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Some of us have drains outdoors. Whether it be on our patio, driveway, garden or outdoor shower area, this drain serves the same function as an indoor drain. That function is simply to remove wastewater. Outdoor drains get clogged as much (if not more often) as indoor drains. There are often all types of debris which end up in these drains and they need regular maintenance. In this article we would like to discuss what you can do to attack a clog. Wire Coat Hanger - Yeah I know, not very professional. But if you have a large object blocking ...

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How to unclog your drains – 4 Easy Steps

Posted on September 17, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

f you notice a foul smell in your house but can’t seem to find the source, you may want to check your drains. Dirty, clogged drains not only spread a strange smell through your home but bacteria as well. Among the most affected drains that face organic build-up, clogs, and foul smell are kitchen and bathroom drains since they transport the greatest amount of water flow and waste. Kitchen drains are clogged mainly by oil, fat, and grease, while bathroom drain clogs are formed from hair and scum from personal products. There are different methods to unclog your drains without ...

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