Leaking pipes


Leaking pipes

Posted on July 8, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

The warm weather in Florida attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.  Warm weather is the reason many people retire to Florida.  But warm weather can also bring plumbing headaches; yes, plumbing problems.  We may love to live and thrive in the warm weather, but bacteria do too. What do bacteria have to do with plumbing?  As bacteria build up in pipes, it causes a threat to our health.  To kill bacteria, chlorine is frequently added to our water supply.  This may be a good thing for killing bacteria, but it’s bad for our pipes.  The chlorine is normally ...

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Plumbing Problems after Rainstorms

Posted on June 5, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

A surge in the amount of rain you get around your home can cause significant damage to your home and plumbing system.  There’s nothing worse than gray water backing up your toilets and showers after a flooding episode in your area.  If there has been a long period of dry weather in your area followed by a lot of or flooding, this can very well happen in your home.  Here are some things to look for after a severe rainstorm: Ruptured Piping: A ruptured pipe can be caused from the ground shifting and putting pressure on the pipes that are ...

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How to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Posted on June 4, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

Even though it is summer and we are located in central Florida, we'd like to present this article about frozen pipes. We aim to make this blog a resource to folks all over the country, not just here in Melbourne. Once in a blue moon the temp does drop below freezing here and there have been frozen pipe issues. Wintertime can be very hard on your plumbing and for most homeowner’s, frozen pipes can be any their worst fear coming true. With proper preparation, your home can stay leak free all winter long no matter how frigid the temperatures may ...

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The Sump Pump. Your basement’s unsung hero.

Posted on May 12, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

For those with basements, ie Northern Central Florida and north, this article is for you. Every so often there is a whirring machine sound that comes on at random times, often in the middle of the night.  One of those things that you never gave much thought to because you rarely heard it and if and when you did, you quickly forgot about it.  On some days it is raining, sometimes there is not a cloud in sight.  When was the last time you heard it? Maybe you last remember it was months ago while you were watching a movie, ...

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Water Conservation Basics

Posted on May 12, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

Californians are experiencing one of the most drastic droughts in history.  California receives about half of its precipitation in the months of December, January and February, with much of that precipitation falling as snow in the Sierra Nevada Range. In 2014-15, snowfall was far below normal levels. Four years into record-breaking conditions, Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought State of Emergency on January 17, 2014 and imposed strict conservation measures statewide and convening an Interagency Drought Task Force.  With water reservoirs at an all-time low, California Water Resources Control Board is considering a $500 per day fine for residents who ...

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What to Look for in a Plumbing Contractor

Posted on April 6, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

There are many plumbers here in Florida. All you have to do to find a random plumber is to pick up the Yellow Pages and make a phone call. However, there are many plumbers out there that just aren’t worth the money. Some will take your money and provide poor service. Not sure what to look for in a plumber? Look for the following characteristics and we guarantee you’ve found yourself a reliable plumber: Licensed and insured It’s very important for your plumber to be licensed and insured. Insurance eliminates risk. Should your plumber make a mistake and have an ...

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5 Signs You’re Dealing With a Shady Plumber

Posted on April 3, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

We here at Space Coast Plumbing want to prevent you from paying shady contractors your hard earned money. Unfortunately, there are many plumbers out there that charge unreasonable rates and don’t even provide a quality service. They prey on inexperienced homeowners. They promise to get the job done right but what they really do is overcharge you and don’t fix the problem completely. Not sure if your plumber is shady or not? If he exposes any of these signs, chances are he is: (more…)

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Top 4 plumbing problems

Posted on February 27, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

Although home plumbing systems can function seamlessly for years on end, when a plumbing problem develops, it can wreak havoc on a dwelling’s occupants. The following will take a look at the top 4 plumbing problems in the home, and some simple steps that you can take to prevent and remedy them. The first and perhaps most common plumbing complaint in many homes is the issue of clogged drains. This problem typically occurs in kitchen and bathroom drains (including shower drains) as a result of the build-up of foreign matter in the pipes of a drainage system. Depending on the ...

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How to the check plumbing when buying a house or apartment

Posted on February 11, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

The excitement of moving into your own new house or apartment can sometimes make us a little too quick to sign our name on the title deed before checking that a few basic elements of the property are in good working order. Often, the condition of the plumbing system of a dwelling is not even a consideration for some at the time of purchase, which can lead to costly and troublesome repairs later on. The following highlights some of the main things to look for in a quick assessment of the overall health of a plumbing system when shopping for ...

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Plumbing Jobs That Are For Professionals Only

Posted on January 26, 2015 by Melbourne Plumber

Are you a weekend warrior that feels he/she can conquer any home repair task? Does replacing a window seem like an easy chore? How about putting in a stone patio? Seem like child’s play? Well, maybe you can do all that. Then again, maybe you’re more like Tim “the Toolman” Taylor where everything goes wrong. You are probably going to make the situation worse and spend more money in the long run. Either way, there are some plumbing jobs that are for professionals only. If you are considering a remodel of your bathroom, you might be thinking of a new ...

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