The Development of the Modern Toilet


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The Development of the Modern Toilet

Posted on June 11, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

The toilet is a staple in any home or business. It is perhaps the most important modern appliance in the home yet it goes mostly overlooked and isn't even thought about much. But without the modern toilet, life would be a whole lot different. A device which carries human waste out of our living space is arguably the most important feature to any home. Human waste is very dangerous and must be discarded in a safe and efficient manner. The modern toilet accomplishes these very tasks. Holes in the Ground and Outhouses The earliest humans would simply do their business ...

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8 Common Problems Seen Within Plumbing

Posted on September 27, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

Whether you rent or own a home, you will likely be faced with a plumbing problem at least once. However, many of the problems seen that involve plumbing will not be detectable right away. When these problems are not addressed, this can result in major repairs. Normally, an issue with the plumbing will be caused by age and normal wear. While it may seem simple to fix the problems, it is better to leave them to the pros. With that, below we have listed some common problems seen within plumbing. Faucets that Leak A leaky faucet is a big deal ...

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How to Prevent Mold in Your Bathroom

Posted on August 11, 2021 by Melbourne Plumber

Mold is an every day part of life for people living in tropical climates like Florida. Even if you do not currently have a mold issue, you have probably run into one in the past. In an environment like ours which is humid, rainy and warm most of the year, you will encounter mold. Although there are many types of mold, the main concern for humans is Stachybotrys, aka, black mold. This mold loves to form on anything organic and wet. Those conditions are found perfectly inside a home. But even if the mold isn't black, it can effect us ...

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Maintenance You Can Do During Quarantine

Posted on May 14, 2020 by Melbourne Plumber

We have seen the country on a full lock-down for almost two months now because of the corona-virus pandemic. While some states are getting things running again, many states and industries have not been cleared to do so. We though that writing a blog about plumbing maintenance that you can do while on lock-down would be a good idea. Clean Your Shower Heads We often forget about the shower head even though we use it every day. The shower head can get clogged by buildup. A clogged shower head means that the water isn't able to run smoothly through it ...

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Water Conservation

Posted on September 14, 2018 by Melbourne Plumber

There are some people that may think the idea of water conservation is a ploy or political trick to sway people to think or vote a certain way. But, there are indisputable facts when it comes to Earth's fresh water. There is a finite supply. Only 1% of Earth's water is fresh water, ie., water than can be ingested by animals. The rest is salt water or frozen in glaciers. The amount of energy it takes to work on the Earth's glaciers or to run desalinization plants is enormous. Places like Nevada and California are running out of water. Some ...

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Common Plumbing Problems You Can Avoid

Posted on November 3, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Plumbing problems generally come with three things: headaches, wasted time, and a bill. When you take the time to recognize some of the most common plumbing problems and how to avoid them, you will save yourself a headache, wasted time, and money. Here are three of the most common problems and how to avoid them: Problem 1 – A Backed Up Toilet A toilet that has backed up can often overflow onto the floor underneath it. Whether you’ve got linoleum, wooden floors, or carpet underneath the toilet, it is never a fun or easy thing to clean up, let alone ...

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Slow Running Drain? Call an Expert!

Posted on September 22, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Over time, dirt, grim and hair can begin to clog sink and shower drains. This results in water draining slowly and even backing up into the sink or tub. While some over the counter products can help to alleviate the dirt and grime, if there is hair clogged in the pipes it can be very difficult to get rid of, especially when it’s farther down the drain than most drain sticks can reach. Calling a plumber when this happens means you’ll have the drain running as good as new in no time. A licensed plumber has all the right tools ...

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