When is it Time for a New Garbage Disposal?


Category: Drain

When is it Time for a New Garbage Disposal?

Posted on August 5, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Most plumbers would tell you that the average life span for any garbage disposal is about eight to 12 years. This, of course, depends on the make, model, and horse power (HP) of the unit you have. It can also depend greatly on how often you use it and for what. If you just use it occasionally and for light food items it will generally last longer. If you use it daily and try to grind up thick items like old chicken bones or orange peels, chances are you’ll either get a clogged disposal or you’ll likely be needing a ...

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Find Out What’s Really in Your Pipes

Posted on August 3, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

As any homeowner knows, issues arise that need to be taken care of. This is especially true with plumbing, because rarely do people think about it unless there is a problem. Like many things, out of sight means out of mind. That’s not necessarily bad, but when you suspect something isn’t right with the pipes in your house, it’s best to be proactive and call a plumber. Plumbers can do camera inspection to determine what may be going on with your plumbing system. Maybe you’re having a problem with low pressure or maybe your drains are draining very slowly - ...

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How Much Horse Power do You Need?

Posted on July 28, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

Whether you own a home, business, or small restaurant in Melbourne, Florida you probably have a sink or two which has a garbage disposal. Some people consider garbage disposals an integral part of any kitchen, and it pays to take good care of them to get them to last as long as possible. When you follow manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance and cleaning, an average unit will last for about 10-12 years. This, of course, can depend on the amount of use it gets over time and the quality of the brand you choose. Garbage disposals come in a variety of ...

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Cleaning Drains and Drain Clogs

Posted on July 3, 2014 by Melbourne Plumber

There are numerous products on the market to help clean drains. At any home improvement store you can find liquid drain cleaner, plungers, and plumber’s snakes. All of these items can help to clear clogged drains, when the clog is something that is manageable. It’s important to remember that when you’re attempting to unclog a pipe to not put too much pressure on it, as they can only withstand so much prodding and pressure. If you accidentally break a pipe while trying to unclog it, drain cleaning is going to be the last thing you need to worry about. You’ll ...

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