Can a Simple Retail Plumbing Snake Solve My Clogging Issues?


Category: Drain

Can a Simple Retail Plumbing Snake Solve My Clogging Issues?

Posted on February 20, 2025 by Melbourne Plumber

Clogs are a way of life. When wastewater travels down your sink or shower drain, it carries with it all kinds of impurities. Some of them are solids while others are semi-solids. These particles will latch onto even the tiniest imperfection on the surface of the drain pipes. Over time, buildup will occur and you will inevitably get a clog in your drain. Chemical Remedies These products are essentially chemical abrasives which work to break down organic material in your clog. They take some time and will work on certain kinds of clogs. Still, they leave a lot of clogs ...

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Plumbing Tips to Save Money

Posted on December 3, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Life is getting more expensive. There is no denying that. You can see that the price of everything has dramatically risen in the last few years. This fact has people searching for ways that they can save money around the home. We created this article to compile a short list of ways the average person can save money in their home in regards to plumbing. These tips may seem like common sense to some people or even no that big of a deal others, but we guarantee you that if you follow them, a great deal of money will be ...

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Why is My Shower Drain Not Functioning Properly?

Posted on October 24, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

The problem of water not draining from your shower may be worse than you realize. This is because it may not just be your shower water failing to drain but waste water actually coming back into the shower stall itself. The main sewer line can be clogged for a number of reasons but these clogs all have the same effect. The dangerous wastewater that is supposed to be leaving your home is not doing so in an efficient manner. I use the word "dangerous" because wastewater often contains seriously harmful bacteria such as: E. coli Salmonella Streptococcus Pseudomonas aeruginosa Shigella, ...

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Consulting a Plumber About a Kitchen Renovation

Posted on September 23, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Renovating your kitchen can bring a fresh new feel to your home and to arguably the most important room in the home. If you want to experience something quite interesting, renovate your kitchen and see what new life it brings to your home. A full renovation consists of new appliances, perhaps a large hood for your new stove, paint for the walls, perhaps tiles and a new backsplash as well as other creature comforts like a new island complete with sink. It's true that full renovations can grow to be quite expensive. However, the value and utility it will bring ...

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Best Ways to Unclog Your Shower Drain

Posted on April 2, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

It's a terrible feeling to be taking a shower and have to stand in dirty water that is not draining. In fact, it feels very counter-productive.  You are cleaning your body at the same time you are standing in dirty water. Shower drains deal with the largest amount of water of any drain in your home. Showers typically last 10 minutes on average and the average shower uses 2 gallons per minute. That's 20 gallons of water per shower. The average household showers several times per day combined. It is not uncommon for 100 gallons or more of water to ...

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Finding a Plumber You Can Trust is Important

Posted on January 26, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

There are several types of professionals you want to establish a good report with throughout your life. These are usually the following: doctor, barber, mechanic & plumber. Yes, a plumber. There is no doubt that as you go through life you will need to call on the services of a plumber multiple times. And some of those times it will be an emergency situation. Whether it be for a burst pipe, a sewage backup, a severe clog or just replacing your water heater, you will need to call a plumber at some point. Here are the things you should look ...

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Brown Water? These are the Reasons This Could be Happening

Posted on December 22, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

Are you experiencing discolored water coming out of your tap? Want to know what is causing your water to look brown or reddish? Look no further. We have an answer. The most common reason water can come out of your pipes with a brown or reddish color is that it contains rust or minerals. They make their way into your water when it passes through old and outdated plumbing systems. Here is a brief list of how else your water may be getting its brownish color. Iron particles that have rusted and weighed down long-standing water An increase in water ...

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Summer Storm Floods in Brevard County

Posted on July 31, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

This time of year it rains every single day. And we aren't talking about normal rain either. These are monsoon type of rain storms. The sky will go from bright and sunny to as dark as night in a matter of minutes. The sky then opens and lightning and thunder viciously take over the atmosphere. Does this sound familiar? I bet it does. That is life in Brevard County for the months June - August (sometimes longer). The extra water produced by these storms is dealt with in various ways. Florida has an intricate network of canals and our streets ...

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What Are The Top Three Reasons People Call Plumbers?

Posted on March 3, 2023 by Melbourne Plumber

As you can imagine plumbers are called for a variety of reasons. Most of the time they are able to help solve the issue at hand within an hour or two. With thousands of plumbing calls being made every day across the country, what are the top three reasons we get called in the first place? In this article we will list the top three reasons plumbers get called. We will start at number three and finish with the most common. 3. Water Heater - Whether it be repair, maintain or replace, water heaters are the third most common reason ...

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Items Which Will Cause Clogs

Posted on November 3, 2022 by Melbourne Plumber

One of the many conveniences of modern plumbing is the ability to get rid of waste in an easy fashion. Whether this is human waster or food waste, we can just flip a switch and wash it away. But it is important to remember that everything is not flushable or made to easily go down your drain. In this article we  look at items which are better thrown away and not flushed or disposed of down your sink. Coffee Grounds People have been running these down the sink for decades. You will most likely not have any trouble getting the ...

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