Tips for Saving Water and Money


Tips for Saving Water and Money

Posted on July 22, 2024 by Melbourne Plumber

Save money by conserving water

Water which is provided by the municipal supply is pulled from the source, treated and then pumped to your home. This process takes time and energy. So naturally there is a charge associated with this process. In this article we want to discuss some tips which may help you conserve water and cut down on that monthly bill.

  1. Low Flow Toilets – The newest toilets on the market use a fraction of water than older ones. Half a gallon here or there may seem like it’s not a lot of water but it adds up over time. You can save hundreds of dollars over a multi-year span.
  2. Sprinkler System – Many people in Melbourne, Florida have a sprinkler system which keeps their lawn nice and green. Fine tuning this system can help save money. Make sure it doesn’t run while it is raining outside because this is simply a waste. Nature is doing the watering for you.
  3. Leaks – Check your system for leaks. Your home has many feet of plumbing and even a small leak or two can add up to a great deal of lost water, not to mention the damage the leak may be causing as well.
  4. Conserve Water While Brushing and Shaving – For may of us, it seems normal to have the water running while we brush our teeth or shave. But how much water can we save if we shut it off in between use? Hundreds of gallons per year is the answer. It’s a good idea if you want to save money.
  5. Shorter Showers – Sure, long hot showers feel good. But the amount of water used as well as the energy it took to heat all that water can be very expensive in the long run. Consider limiting your showers to 5 minutes or less. This is really all the time a person needs to wash their body.

Did we miss anything? Please feel free to comment and let is know. There are many ingenious ways people have derived to save water. Some folks will gather rain water using spouts and pipes to use to water their lawn for example. The possibilities are endless.

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