Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink


Benefits of Adding a Strainer to Your Bathroom Sink

Posted on March 28, 2025 by Melbourne Plumber

why use a strainer in your bathrooms sink

When most people think of using a strainer for a sink, they automatically assume it would be for the kitchen sink. After all, this is where food is prepared and members of your household wash dirty hands. Mud, food and debris are often deposited into this drain.

Although having a strainer for your kitchen sink is a good idea, today we want to talk about adding one to your bathroom sink as well. And there are some pretty good reasons to do so.

Preventing Clogs

It’s true that tiny bits of hair from shaving will easily make it through a sink strainer. But longer hairs from your head won’t pass through the strainer. These kinds of hairs are single-handedly responsible for most sink clogs.

Human hair is very strong for its size. And a clump of it can act as a powerful net that will grab every piece of debris and soap residue it comes into contact with. A good sink strainer will catch 98% of these hairs and help prevent your clogging problem.

Keeping Out Unwanted Visitors

Another massive benefit of using a sink strainer in your bathroom is that it keeps roaches out. Yes, roaches climb through your sink at night looking for their next meal. The water trap at the bottom if your sink is no real obstacle for them. They can go a long time without having to breathe and filthy water does not affect them in the least bit.

Keeping You from Losing Items

If you ever wonder where the back of your earring, or even the earring itself, disappeared to, it very well could have been your sink drain. Personal items fall into drains all the time and in about half of those instances the person isn’t even aware that it happened.

If you lose an important item down the drain, retrieving it may be a very costly task. You or a plumber may need to actually disconnect the pipe underneath to retrieve that item. It will take you an hour or more and calling a plumber will be at least a $150 proposition. Isn’t preventing it from washing down in the first place the best idea?

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